Why My Worst Day Ever Was the Best Prep for the FB & IG Outage

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Imagine this...

One day, you're bustling through your social media routines, engaging, posting, networking—when suddenly, you're locked out.

Maybe your accounts are hacked, or (like the other day) the sites just completely go down., or perhaps, like me, life throws you a curveball you just can't ignore.

Let's talk about why you shouldn't put all your digital eggs in one basket, shall we?

A couple of years ago, my world was completely rocked. My brother passed away suddenly, leaving me shattered. To compound the heartbreak, I found out I had COVID on the very same day.

Facebook, my go-to for promotion, suddenly felt like a world away. My mind was elsewhere, and the thought of posting or networking was unimaginable.

This dark period led to one of the most significant shifts in my approach to marketing: building an email list. If I could go back, I would do this on social media from day one!

Why an email list, you ask? Here's the thing—social media is fleeting. Algorithms change, platforms experience outages, and access can be lost in a blink.

But an email list? That's yours.

It's a direct line to your audience, untouched by the whims of social platforms. It's not just about sales (though those are nice); it's about forging connections, offering value, and truly owning your audience.

And here's the beautiful part: your social media efforts and your email list go together in perfect harmony. This duo works together to:

  • Amplify your content across channels
  • Repurpose your best work for an even greater reach
  • Boost the effectiveness and ROI of your ads
  • Work in tandem to help each other grow

But wait, there's more. If you're sitting there thinking, "Okay, but what on earth do I send to my list?"—I've got you covered. I want to introduce you to Liz Wilcox, an email marketing wizard.

Liz doesn't just teach you the ropes; she hands them to you, neatly coiled and ready to go. We're talking welcome sequences, catchy subject lines, and newsletter templates that engage and convert.

With Liz's guidance, you'll not only build an email list but also master the art of communication that resonates and builds lasting relationships with your audience.

So, if you're ready to safeguard your business against the unpredictability of social media and deepen the connection with your audience, let's step into the world of email marketing together.

Don't let another day go by at the mercy of social media's fickle nature. Take control, and let's build something that's truly yours.

Eager to help you grow,

Jennifer, Your SkySocial Assistant


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